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Frédéric Fourrichon

Architect and Product Designer

Frédéric graduated at Ecole d’Architecture et du Paysage de Lille, France.

He studied and practiced architecture in several European Cities and in 2002 settled permanently in Berlin.


After an experience at Finn Geipel Architekten working on the interior of the Arsenal Pavilion, museum of the city of Paris, a long formation period starts in the studio of Zvi Hecker, where he worked on large scale projects.

In 2007 he founded his own studio and is mainly collaborating on residential projects which engage him in all stages of planning, from conception to the interior design.

It is in 2014 that he focuses on product design and starts working with Italian artisans for the realisation of customised interiors.

Frédéric is extremely attentive to the functional and aesthetic components of the design product and aims to optimise the consumption of materials and enhancement of the artisanal work.

Frédéric is French.

40 years old.

Lives between Berlin and Milan.

He speaks fluent English, German and Italian.

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